For General CrossFit FAQ

Please go here: https://www.crossfit.com/faq

Where do I Park?

There is adequate parking location on the west side of the building and in front of the office. I do ask, that you do not park in front of the pull up bay doors - so at times we can fitness under the sun!

What programming do you use?

Currently we use Mayhem Affiliate programming. In class we use the GPP (General Physical Preparedness) program however, there are also Compete and Lifting programs available.

What do you use to track your WODS?

We use Beyond the Whiteboard to track all our wods. Included in your membership.



Do you allow kids on site?

At the moment we do not have a physical spot dedicated for kids. This might be something we explore in the future however, at this time we do not.

Do you have a Kids or Teens class?

At this time we do not offer kids or teen classes. However, this is defiantly something we will explore in the coming months.

Can I bring my pet?

We love all the pets! However, there may be bars and other things flying around. So to keep everyone safe, including your fur-babies - please refrain from them entering the physical building.

Can I bring a Friend?

The community at any time is welcome to visit and take a tour of the gym or even watch the athletes workout. From time to time - we will have a “bring a friend” day whom you can invite to try out a workout with you.



Are showers available?

That would be a great addition! However, no.

What is Open Gym?

Open gym is a pocket of time where you can come make up a wod that you might have missed, work on a skill, sweat it out with some friends. These sessions are NOT coach led. So have a plan when you come in.

How do I pay?

We have a couple options. The recommended one is to pay with your credit/debit card through our gym management software - Push Press. This is set up when you become a member and will automatically deduct from your account on the 1st of every month. So you will never have to remember, and we don’t have to have an awkward conversation after :) We also will have a venmo account available. Cash will be a last option. No checks.

What do I do if I’m running late?

When you sign up, you’ll have access to the members ap. Here you can book a class. If you’re running late and won’t make it, simply remove the booking - which will allow another member on the waitlist to get their fitness in. However, if you’re just running late - as long as it’s not over 5-10 min you should be fine. Otherwise we ask that you book the next class to not only avoid interruptions - but so you can get the full hour of fitness you’ve paid for!

I don’t want to be in class, can I just work out in the corner?

No. You can workout in class - or feel free to get that wod in during open gym.