Starting something with Nothing

Starting a CrossFit gym is no small task. Some will say the “barrier to entry” (3000$ Affiliate fee) is small - but those that say that compare our businesses to franchises that begin in hundred thousands. Also, anyone that thinks they are going to get rich owning a gym - are simply loco.

I started CrossFit Whiskey6 in two parts.

1. I truly believe in the CrossFit Methodology and their purpose: to rid the world of chronic disease - “we have the cure to the worlds most vexing problem” ( . My father passed away from Chronic Disease in 2006, and it was preventable. It’s too late for my Father, but not too late for anyone looking for a change.

2. I LOVE COACHING! I do… I LOVE IT! I love developing coaches too. It’s my passion. I was told once, “ find something you love, dedicate every available moment towards getting better at that love, do it. Do it so well, that people will pay you for it”. It’s taken me 41 years to live out this dream, but it’s here.

The Journey.

For over a year, I couldn’t decide if I just wanted to coach at a gym, or start my own. I mean, coaching is what I love and owning a gym is very intimidating. It would be MUCH easier if I just coached at a gym and let someone else deal with the hassles of business ownership. I asked for advice with other gym owners/managers and friends that are coaches. All gave me good feedback and opportunity should I choose to accept. I had several options to work at other gyms - and thankfully given my credentials was usually an open invite. However, when I truly thought about what I wanted, the previous quote hit me. I thought, why not me? Why couldn’t I open a gym? I’ve worked hard over the past 6 years honing my craft, being a student of the game, building long-lasting relationships. I can do THIS! So. I made the leap. With buy-in from my wife Michelle - I decided that I was going to live out my dream. Sometimes you just have to take action, because dreaming will only take you so far.

Humble beginnings.

Costs : 1000$ for Level 1. 1000$ for Level 2. 700 for Level 3. 3000$ affiliate fee. 1000$ Insurance fee. 325$ LLC fee. 225$DBA fee. 175$ HOP fee. 125$Business license fee. 5000$ for a (very)modest garage gym set up. I’m hemorrhaging cash. But I’m ok. I’m a believer in “paying your dues”. I like the struggle. I like the feeling of hard work, and hustle. Would I love to have a 5000 sq.ft palace with all the fixings? Sure. But, that’s not in the cards right now. I have to work my way there. And I will. I’m humbled that I have the members that I have. Who trust me with their fitness, in this small, hot, dusty garage.

The gym.

I am fully legal to run a gym out of my garage in my City. However, space is limited. So my daily class limit is small. Very small. I run a 5:30/6:30/7:30 Monday-Friday. This is temporary. Eventually/hopefully, before the year is over I will be moving OUT of the garage and INTO a commercial location. Stay updated on gym announcements either here on the blog - the instagram page @crossfitwhiskey6 - or my personal page on instagram @theidrew.


This is just the beginning. I’ll continue to work hard. Continue to learn more. Thankfully I have a lot of smart, experienced friends and coaches I can bounce ideas off. If you have questions about coaching, membership, or coaching opportunities - text me anytime at 559-393-1884 or email me @

Coach Drew